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Hey, It's Me, Krista

I just wanted to sit down and share a bit of my story with you— like really share, heart-to-heart style. You know me, I'm DEEP, too

deep for some people, I know this for a fact, haha! but at least I'm real and I'm always striving to keep things authentic and honest, especially with myself and with you! 

The Scary Wake-Up Call

So, my darkest times they didn’t actually start after becoming a mom or through the usual ups and downs of life. They kicked off with something totally out of the blue—an anaphylactic allergy. Yeah, those terrifying moments when you realize breathing isn’t a given. It was one of the most scary things I've ever experienced. It was like life slapped me awake and said,  “Hey Krista, what hell are you doing?!” I was forced to stare down those scary what-ifs and really reckon with what happiness meant to me. Not the surface-level stuff, but the deep, soul-nourishing  joy that you can't fake.

Digging Deep

This whole ordeal made me dig deep, deeper than I ever thought I would. And not just for my sake—I knew I had to do it for my relationship with my partner and the little humans I was yet to meet (John and Tessa, you know them as my world now). I wanted to fight for a life where I could breathe easy, not just literally but metaphorically too.

It was like deep diving into the caverns of my wounding, but instead of looking for treasure, I was searching for authenticity, for that raw, unfiltered happiness. I plunged into the world of spiritual life coaching, played around with countless spiritual systems, dove into innumerable personality tests, and worked with an abundance of mentors, and pretty well anything else that promised a glimpse into my true self and a sense of peace.

Bringing Two Souls into My Journey

Then, life took a turn for the magical when I became a mom twice. John and Tessa—my heartbeats. Although I was not immune to the baby blues and I battled tirelessly in the complexities of completely overhauling my identity, I knew that becoming their mom wasn’t just about raising them; it was about learning from them too. Kids have this way of showing you what’s really important, don’t they? They’ve been my biggest teachers, showing me the beauty of seeing the world through unconditioned eyes filled with wonder, transparency and love.

A Little Magic in Spiritual Systems

I can't even begin to express the excitement I had when Human Design and Gene Keys fell into my lap!! it was an epic game changer! It was seriously like getting a manual for understanding my relationship with myself, my partner, and my little ones. Embracing our unique energies has been a journey in itself. It’s helped me guide them, love them even more, and support them in being who they are, unapologetically.

My Rock, My Listener

In this rollercoaster of self-discovery and healing, there’s been one constant—my husband. We’ve been together for over 15 years, married for more than 10. Let me tell you, he’s the best listener I’ve ever known. There’s something about the way he holds space, the way he truly sees me, that has been nothing short of healing.

He’s my soulmate, my partner in crime. Together, we’ve weathered storms and basked in the sunshine. He’s been my anchor, allowing me to explore, to grow, and to find my way back to myself. With him, I’ve learned that being seen and understood is a form of healing. We’ve built our dream life, hand in hand, believing in each other, supporting each other’s quests for authenticity and joy.

Just Us, Figuring It Out Together

So, here we are. Life’s thrown its curveballs, and I've gotten used to catching and throwing them back. If there’s anything I’ve learned and desperately want to share with you, it’s this: real, deep, kick-you-in-the-gut happiness is possible. It’s not about pretending the darkness doesn’t exist; it’s about lighting a candle, finding our way through it, and coming out stronger, together. 

With all the love and hugs,


My family

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