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Writer's pictureKrista Gaudet

Being Enough in a Not Enough World

We all know that we are bombarded with everything that EVERYONE else is doing, saying, posting, making, and creating daily. We are in this reality of comparing ourselves to others all the time - it's the nature of the game. This can be SO draining and evokes deep feelings of loneliness and division for most of us - I am not like them; therefore, I am alone.

So how in the heck can we stop feeling like we are not enough? In my experience, it has taken a lot of deep inner work to connect to the wounded parts of myself that felt like I was a failure, or feeling that I 'should' be ashamed. It took working on my gift of Awareness to hear WHEN my inner critic was telling me untruthful stories and sensing when my body was sending me messages of discomfort, envy, jealousy, and fear. It took forgiving my past behaviors and having compassion for myself for being Human.

For a long time, I felt as though I was not enough, and I'll be honest.. even writing this blog post has brought up the feelings of not enough-ness (hence the reason why I have delayed writing it :P ) My inner imposter says "There are thousands of articles out there that talk about this topic, yours will never be 'good' like those" and "Why would anyone read this blog post by YOU when there are SO many other people that are WAY more qualified than YOU are to talk about this". My higher self peacefully replies "That's an interesting point of view, is it true?"

I would often compare myself to others; her body is so much better than mine,

her skin is glowing, her content is better than anything I could ever create, she has money in the bank and I don't, she feeds her kids organic and I don't, she cares for her body and I don't. She makes an effort and I don't, she's so organized and I'm not... I could go on all day... Whether it is comparing ourselves to another individual, or feeling fragments of shame projected onto us for our lack of enthusiasm, action, or concern - I have been there...with you.. in those dark emotions, in the shadows, and I am here to share how I started feeling like I was enough.

For me, I recognized that the pattern of NOT feeling enough was caused by two things; division and dishonoring myself. I thought for a long time that people were 'better' than me - I am sure that this came from my development years in being around and unconsciously comparing myself to my sisters, and close girlfriends - you know - as if there was a measuring stick that told me how I was less than. When I began to understand that there is always duality in the division, my awareness opened up to the idea that - what I had been telling myself my whole life - was a fabricated story that was tainted by the lens of loneliness I had been experiencing due to separating myself from the beauty and peace in Unity.

The simple change that I made was to embrace our Unity as humans, our diversity, our gifts, and talents, and to celebrate others - not to see it as MY lack, but to see it as THEIR gift - OUR gift. This allowed me to stop dishonoring myself by saying and thinking I wasn't enough, but by choosing to say "I am what I am not, yet" and having compassion for myself and the awareness to accept what phase of life I was in.

I made a conscious decision to immediately compliment others when I noticed these shadow emotions that made me feel like I was not enough. You see it is our Ego that makes us feel that we NEED to be better - and to be honest that isn't a bad thing necessarily - I believe our ego is there to protect us and to help us analyze where we are against the benchmark - but unfortunately, a lot of our benchmarks are set by what society tells us what is good and bad, right and wrong, enough and not enough.

Benchmark is defined as a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed - What if we changed our individual benchmarks to Unity - where all things, people, circumstances, situations, expressions, talents, gifts, and creations can exist together on a level playing field? What if we decided to choose to compliment others for doing or being what WE have not become yet, or what WE secretly admire or wish WE were better at? I am NOT saying to put people on a pedestal and worship all that they do, but - I believe that by complimenting and acknowledging someone else successes or traits we unconsciously build a muscle that also helps us see our own gifts, our own strengths, our own talents, and ultimately helps us see our own beautiful authentic selves, in Unity.

Additionally, it is our lack of clarity of WHO we are that can make us feel not enough, It causes us to look for the answers to who we are outside of ourselves. It is entirely natural to do this - and part of the soul evolutionary process - however, in my experience it has only led me further away from the deep inner truth within, that I am enough just as I am right now, that I have always been enough, and I will always be enough.

In unity we feel enough, we begin to see that our own authenticity is actually its own unique and important piece to the greater cosmic puzzle. The state of allowing ourselves to be 100% honest and vulnerable when we feel not enough is the exact state we can begin to heal from the fabricated stories our emotions keep telling us. Take time to see the success in others, and be inspired rather than discouraged, be uplifted by the knowledge that we are all in this together.

Above all else repeat to yourself,

I am enough,

I've always been enough,

and I will always be enough,

Just as I am, and am not yet.

All my love,


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