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Writer's pictureKrista Gaudet

New Moon in Gemini

New Moons are for: Setting intentions and reflecting on how we can bring about new beginnings.

New Moon in Gemini

  • Date: June 6th

  • Time: 8:38 AM Eastern

  • Location: 16 degrees, 17 minutes Gemini

Theme: Reconnecting with Your Inner Child

  • Focus on: Youthful spirit, curiosity, and innocence before societal conditioning.

Key Questions:

  • Who were you before you knew the rules of life?

  • What lit you up as a child?

  • Do you feel free in your life?

New Moon Initiation Phase:

  • New Beginnings: Set intentions for the month ahead.

  • Blank Slate: Time for introspection and self-discovery.

  • Hero’s Journey: Start a new cycle, mirroring personal growth and transformation.

Gemini Archetype:

  • Positive Traits: Fun, adaptable, curious, clever, and open-minded.

  • Challenges: Can be scattered, fear of commitment, and overthinking.

Practical Tips:

1. Revisit Childhood Joys:

• Engage in activities that made you happy as a child.

• Rediscover hobbies or interests you may have abandoned.

2. Set Intentions:

• Reflect on what makes you feel alive and curious.

• Write down intentions focused on freedom, playfulness, and new perspectives.

3. Break Free from Routine:

• Try something new and outside your comfort zone.

• Allow yourself to be spontaneous and adventurous.

4. Cultivate Lightness:

• Surround yourself with humor and joy.

• Spend time with people who uplift your spirits.

5. Reflect and Adapt:

• Evaluate your current life for areas where you feel confined.

• Make adjustments to align more with your true self.

Contemplation Prompts:

• What would it look like to live more freely?

• How can you bring more play and curiosity into your daily life?

• Are there beliefs or routines you need to let go of to feel more joyful?

• What intentions can you set to embrace the highest expression of Gemini?

Want More New Moon in Gemini Questions for Intentions?

Download 35+ more questions here for Free!

"Our intentions create our reality" ~ Wayne Dyer

Coming up!

• First Quarter Moon in Virgo (June 13): Check progress and face challenges.

• Full Moon in Capricorn (June 21): Culmination and reflection on growth.

• Last Quarter Moon in Aries (June 27): Integration and letting go of what doesn’t serve you.

Tools for Personal Growth:

• Journaling: Write down your intentions and reflections.

• Astrology Check: Look at your natal chart for any planets or angles in Gemini between 11-21 degrees - If you doo this new moon will potentially be more potent for you.

• Rituals: Create simple rituals to set and reinforce your intentions.

Using the timing of the cosmos and aligning with the New Moon in Gemini, is an out of the box way to embrace the energy of curiosity, playfulness, and freedom. This month is a chance to reconnect with your inner child, set powerful intentions, and open yourself up to new possibilities and growth.

Happy Intention Setting!



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