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Writer's pictureKrista Gaudet

Newsletter: June 1 - June 7, 2024 - Embracing the Gate of Change Moving Beyond Hunger

June 1 - June 7, 2024

From 09:22 GMT to 06:17 GMT


35th Gene Key: The Gate of Change

5th Gene Key: The Gate of Fixed Patterns

Understanding the 35th Gene Key:

The 35th Gene Key, known as the Gate of Change, encompasses the journey from the Shadow of Hunger to the Gift of Adventure and the Siddhi of Bounteousness. This period invites us to transform our deepest yearnings into vibrant experiences and abundant living.

Recognizing the Shadow of Hunger:

The Nature of Hunger:

• Insatiable Longing: The Shadow of Hunger manifests as an insatiable longing for something more, whether it’s emotional, physical, or spiritual fulfillment. This yearning often leads to dissatisfaction and a sense of lack.

• Defensive Actions: Acting out of this hunger can result in behaviors that seek to fill a void, leading to impatience, restlessness, and even greed. This can create a cycle of perpetual seeking without ever finding true satisfaction.

Moving into the Gift of Adventure:

Embracing Adventure:

• Openness to New Experiences: To move beyond the Shadow of Hunger, embrace the spirit of adventure. This involves being open to new experiences and willing to step outside of your comfort zone.

• Curiosity and Exploration: Cultivate a mindset of curiosity. Explore new perspectives, activities, and relationships. This sense of adventure transforms the energy of hunger into a quest for meaningful experiences.

• Present Moment Awareness: By focusing on the present moment, you shift your attention from what you lack to the richness of what is. Adventure is found in fully engaging with life as it unfolds.

Reaching the Siddhi of Bounteousness:

Living in Bounteousness:

• Inner Fulfillment: The Siddhi of Bounteousness represents a state of inner fulfillment and abundance. This is not dependent on external circumstances but arises from a deep connection to the source of life within.

• Generosity and Gratitude: Bounteousness manifests as a natural generosity and an attitude of gratitude. When you recognize the abundance within, you naturally share it with others and appreciate the richness of life.

• Trust in Life’s Flow: Trusting in the natural flow of life allows you to move gracefully through changes and challenges. This trust opens you to receive the bounty that life continually offers.

Practical Tips for Transformation:

Recognizing Hunger:

• Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on areas where you feel an insatiable longing. Identify patterns of behavior that stem from this sense of lack.

• Mindfulness Practices: Engage in mindfulness practices to stay present. Meditation, deep breathing, and mindful walking can help you become more aware of your habitual responses to hunger.

Embracing Adventure:

• Try New Things: Commit to trying something new each day, whether it’s a new route to work, a different cuisine, or a novel hobby. Embrace the unexpected and see where it leads.

• Cultivate Playfulness: Allow yourself to be playful and spontaneous. Adventure often arises from a playful attitude and the willingness to take risks.

Living in Bounteousness:

• Practice Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal. Each day, write down at least three things you are grateful for. This practice shifts your focus from what you lack to the abundance already present in your life.

• Acts of Kindness: Engage in acts of kindness and generosity. Sharing your time, resources, or talents with others reinforces the sense of bounteousness within.

This week, the energy of the 35th Gene Key guides you from the Shadow of Hunger through the Gift of Adventure, and toward the Siddhi of Bounteousness. By recognizing and transforming your deepest yearnings, you can embark on a journey of rich, fulfilling experiences and discover the abundant life that awaits.

Stay connected and aligned with the Gene Keys!

For further exploration, consider:

1. Reflecting on areas in your life where you feel a persistent longing and how you can shift towards adventure.

2. Journaling about recent adventures and how they have enriched your life.

3. Meditating on the feeling of bounteousness and how you can cultivate it daily.

"let your heart’s hunger lift you toward the skies of adventure, where embracing the winds of change reveals the boundless bounteousness of life.”



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