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Writer's pictureKrista Gaudet

Newsletter: May 26 - June 1, 2024 Surviving and Thriving: Skills and Focus

Hey Everyone!

From May 26, 00:37 GMT to June 1, 09:21 GMT, the universe is shining a light on two key areas for us: Gate/Key 16 (The Gate of Skills) and Gate/Key 9 (The Gate of Focus). What does that mean? It's time to shake things up and find new ways to tackle our daily challenges.

Feeling Overwhelmed? You’re Not Alone

Life is busy, and it's easy to feel like you’re drowning in a sea of responsibilities. This cosmic energy is here to remind us to pause, look around, and rethink our usual problem-solving methods. It’s a perfect time to try out new approaches.

Fresh Perspectives for Everyday Life

Trying something new can help you reach your goals faster and improve your well-being. Approach your day with patience and confidence. Stay flexible and think ahead. Don’t waste your energy fighting the current; save it for the big wins that are just around the corner.

Laziness: The Hidden Dilemma

Laziness often gets a bad rap, but it's important to reframe how we view it. Sometimes, what we label as laziness is simply our mind and body signaling the need for rest, a break, or a different approach. Recognizing this can be a game-changer.

Changing Our Perspective on Laziness

Instead of seeing laziness as a flaw, think of it as a signpost. It can show us where we lack motivation because we're disconnected from our goals or because our current methods aren’t working. By becoming more aware of this, we can turn laziness into an opportunity for growth. Remember, laziness can hold us back from being skillful, and by addressing it, we pave the way for greater competence.

Perspective: A Double-Edged Sword

Perspective is crucial, but sometimes the way we see things can hinder our focus. If our perspective is clouded by negativity or self-doubt, it can keep us from staying focused and moving forward. By adjusting our perspective, we can enhance our focus and make better progress toward our goals.

Shadows and Higher Vibrations

Every challenge we face has both a shadow side and a potential for growth. This week, you might notice feelings of repressed gullibility or reactive self-delusion—showing up as indifference. Here’s how to understand and transform these shadows into higher vibrations:

  • Repressed Gullibility: Sometimes, we might be overly trusting or naive, easily swayed by others’ opinions. We might feel uncertain about our decisions and doubt our instincts. The key is to recognize this and question where it comes from. Are we unsure of our choices because we lack confidence or because we haven't fully looked into our options?

  • Reactive Self-Delusion: On the flip side, we might react to stress or challenges by deluding ourselves, insisting everything is fine when it isn’t. This can lead to feeling indifferent, where we stop caring about the outcomes. It’s important to be honest with ourselves and acknowledge when things aren’t working.

  • Indifference: This is when we feel detached or apathetic, often as a defense mechanism against feeling overwhelmed. It’s crucial to understand that indifference is a signal to reassess our situation. Ask yourself, why am I feeling this way? What changes can I make to re-engage with my tasks and responsibilities?

Transforming Shadows into Higher Vibrations:

  • Versatility: By addressing these shadows, we can become more versatile. This means being flexible and adaptable in our approach. Instead of sticking rigidly to routines that don’t work, we can try new methods, learn new skills, and find what best suits our needs.

  • Mastery: Ultimately, this journey leads to mastery. Mastery doesn’t mean being perfect; it means being skilled at navigating challenges, understanding what needs to be done, and growing through the process. It’s about continuous learning and adapting.

Practical Tips for the Week

What Helps:

  • Heart in Everything: Put passion into all you do, even the mundane stuff.

  • Declutter: Say goodbye to things or habits that don’t serve you.

  • Adaptability: Be open to changing how you do things. Maybe a new routine can make a big difference.

  • Letting Go: Learn to release unproductive habits or unhelpful thoughts.

What Hinders:

  • Lack of Enthusiasm: Don't let apathy or focusing on what’s not working drag you down.

Real Talk

This week, remember that shaking up your routine and staying flexible can help you manage the chaos. Trust in your ability to handle things and be patient—good things are on the horizon.

Reflect and Take Action:

  • How can I bring more passion into daily tasks?

  • What’s one small change I can make to improve my routine?

  • What can I let go of to make my space happier?

Stay strong, stay flexible, and keep moving forward. You've got this!

“Mastery is the art of setting your foot on the path.” - George Leonard




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